Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


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Very nice to have time to have a little wander around the old familiar haunts of Zamelek during daylight hours. The weather's just right at this time of year for me, probably around 23/24 during the day and just a little cooler at night. I bought a bit of bling in a little shop, thinking it might be useful to jazz up an outfit for the Christmas Ball we've agreed to go to here. Treated myself to a pizza lunch in the 'new place' recently found near the President's Hotel. Another wander in Brazil street with one eye open for possible little Christmas gifts. The last course must have taken it out of me as I was then exhausted and headed home for a wee siesta!

Catch up with Bb and my brother at night and the day was gone. My brother's name has just come to the top of a two year long waiting list for a local 'starter' size allotment, so we chatted about and the pros and cons of going ahead with that. The jury's still out, but I see potential. However, I'm not the one who has to look after it!

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