We were up and about early to cram in a bit more archaeology before I met up with Lady Findhorn, and so visited the Ring of Brodgar and the Stones of Stenness. The early visit also meant we avoided any coach tours and had the stones to ourselves.

Dropping G off to go to seek out birds on a loch near the holiday cottage, I tootled off for a most enjoyable couple of hours spent chatting with Lady F. But all too soon it was time to rejoin G and continue seeing the sights of the island. This time to the big city, and as we happened to park right opposite St Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall there was no way I could be stopped from going in. Though when we emerged it was to find we had parked in a 20 minute zone but thankfully not got a parking ticket. G sat in Precious in get-away position while I rushed into a nearby shop for a tin-opener. There's always something missing on a self-catering holiday.

More birding around the coast followed, and then a trip to Stromness recycling centre to drop off papers and bottles. Now that really should be on the tourist map; at the entrance are a colourful multitude of cuddly toys and bears, a huge Dalmation and a Whale; all presumably rescued from the terrors of the skip, and now perched on chairs in a companionable huddle. What a super idea and it gave me a chuckle each time we passed by.

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