TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

Memorials -

Lest we forget

The Memorial to Bomber Command was unveiled yesterday and the attacks on it began at once

Many compared it unfavourably to the Washington Vietnam Wall

So lest we forget...here is a memorial in Willenhall - I've included the two dedication stones...

As Rolf Harris would say..."do you know what it commemorates yet"

The gates to cemetery road were installed in 1904 as a Memorial to Willenhall men who dies in the Boer War. Only the posts remain. All the gates and iron fencing which originally surrounded the cemetery were removed during the Second World War as part of an act of national vandalism the war effort and not replaced.

The true memorial tablets were moved in 1964 - second photo down

So were our forefathers more practical - how should we commemorate the dead - that's why I included the poppies which were growing opposite the gates where I stood to take the main pictues

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