Aye aye

I was outside all day and not a storm in sight, brilliant.

Finishing work my next stop was Stromness to get all stinky of horses. Rosie had a trip out first with Mercy for company, she went really nicely and enjoyed going a little further than normal. Next, the highlight of my week so far - Willy out for a hack with Maggie & Djego. I've got a lot of love for this boy, Willy. He was curious to go in front so that's just what we did, leading the troop down to the shore at Warebeth, what a superstar. Again a longer ride than what he is used to but he listened all the way and thoroughly enjoyed it, I don't remember him faltering at all. Loving watching him learn, taking in so much information and still keeping his head about him and putting his trust in his humans.

Still needing to get the dogs walked, I took the lazy option and did it from horseback, courtesy of Prince. He was solid as a rock and happy to be out having been stabled through the recent horrid weather.

Even nicer though is being home, showered and fed and about to open a bottle of red to share with Gorgeous

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