Only photo taken today....
Well I started out with half an inch of snow on the truck to knock off and then get the trailer repaired.. Chains were required down the road at that time so I told the mechanic no real hurry...
Sure enough when the sun came up they dropped the chain law but it was -4 C air temperature with an 80 km/h wind.. Don't even want to think of the windchill.
Sliding along like everyone else, ignoring the two overturns and a few spin outs I got to test the lockers and the automatic traction control system. They work really well.
Not wanting to get stuck and still owing a blipper a snow photo that will have to wait a little longer, when I stopped at the end of the day (11 hours to go 400 miles due to conditions) this is what I found. Pretty remarkable really to still be partially intact with all those winds.. Just wish I could have taken more than one photo today. The scenery was gorgeous.
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