Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Final Autumn Leaves

I seriously doubt there will be any leaves left on branches soon, after this storm has blown through. I was (thoroughly) soaked twice today in the most heavy of downpours, then the wind started up and it is still howling. It will be tricky to sleep tonight.

This afternoon was spent doing jobs that have needed doing but not got done for a variety of reasons. No, not the jobs that occupy the very bottom quarter of my jobs list, but the ones that get put to one side because 'I can do it tomorrow'. So I am happy with that.

Will had a friend, M, round for tea. They both played nicely, although it got a bit boisterous just before the end. Will was highly excitable as this was the first play date he has had at home. After M left, Will did his homework and violin with no complaints but then the come down hit home and we ended the day with tears. Bless him.

Carys had ballet, grade 4, "My favourite class Mummy." and came home happy. Crocheting of Christmas presents has continued a pace. Hope to have them all done by next weekend. Then I can start on Will's blanket, which he has been very patiently waiting for.

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