Fun & exciting

Yesterday, Ann said she would take me somewhere fun & exciting this afternoon.

So off we went to Portreath Beach so that I could play with my orange bouncy ball.  It was very, very, very windy at Portreath Beach.  My ears kept getting blown inside out!

I played with my orange bouncy ball for a bit but the wind was so strong that it was difficult to run after it when Ann threw it into the wind.  Let’s face it – I’m not getting any younger?!  And actually, sometimes, I just like pottering around on the beach and doing such things as wallowing in rock pools.

So I devised a very clever cunning plan so that I could do what I wanted.  Do you want to know what I did?...............................  Firstly, I went into a big deep rock pool and had a bit of a swim around.  Ann had her wellies on, but I knew that if she went into the rock pool the water would go over the top of them.  Secondly, I opened my mouth and let my orange bouncy ball float around in the water. And thirdly, I jumped out of the big deep rock pool because I wanted to do a bit of rock climbing.

Ann went mad at me.  She said, ‘Molly, go fetch your ball NOW!  ’

I just pretended I hadn’t heard her because sometimes I have selective hearing.  And do you know what happened next?......................  A big, huge wave came into the big deep rock pool and then my orange bouncy ball floated out to sea!!!

For the rest of my walk I rolled on stinky things, I stretched out on smelly seaweed, I wallowed in rock pools and I stole a green bouncy ball off a little black spaniel but Ann made me give it back.

This afternoon has most definitely been fun & exciting!

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