Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Are you ready for your close up?

"I have a lot of vanity."
Jack Nicholson

Apparently it's time to reassess my image. I may be giving out the wrong impression. I may be giving out the impression that I am really naughty! I know! Me! SO aprecious has had a bit of a scan on the tinterweb and found some useful tips.

Step 1: Watch yourself on camera. Have someone you like and trust (Pud?) record your performance. Read a short statement, have Pud ask you some questions about what you get up to each day. Whatever you do, do not tell the truth!

Step 2: Get media training. Where does a dog get media training? Apparently, if you've got charisma you're in with a chance. If you haven't tough doodahs. Mm...

Step 3: Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse so you look good on camera!. That sounds a bit too much like hard work. A bit too much like training. I prefer to be spontaneous. This is what gets me into trouble. Apparently.

Step 4: If you just can't acquire the skills to look simply elegant and beautiful on camera get someone else in to do your journal for you! Nooooooo! Not the Pud! He's really, really dull. With a capital D! And has some halitosis issues.

One of these days I'll be a mature dog and sleep 80% of the day. Then you'll be sorry.

I'm ready for my close-up now.

Strange being out in the world. I sort of enjoyed it. Our young person didn't win but was highly commended. We did win an award for a project called Changing Futures which was excellent!

This is going to sound very cryptic but I want just to record it. I do not like unwritten rules. I don't mind transgressing rules when necessary - and some of the time it is - but I like to know I'm doing it. That way, I can prepare for the backlash.

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