Working Late
Well, for me it was. I decided I'd spend a bit of time just finishing off the last few lines of the latest version of the spreadsheet. Anomalies, that's what I'm dealing with. Ironing them out. I'm sure it was coincidental that the bossman was up and sitting diagonally opposite.
So home to hack some old video together. The sonny boy is heading Manchesterwards for a period so I thought I'd make him a DVD of when he was a wee boy - some wonderful footage of him at the top of Buachaille and Ben Nevis will bring tears to his eyes, I'm sure. It certainly did at the time, ha.
Still found time to watch a program about the super rich and the Monaco yacht show. My risotto nearly stuck in my throat. What very unlovely people. And what hideous taste. The 'champagne and caviar' colour schemes, not the risotto, I should hastily add.
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