Doctor, Doctor, Can't You See I'm Falling...
A-Z will continue tomorrow :-) Assuming something else spectacular doesn't happen.
Today I had a dentist appointment. I don't tend to write about these because I'm traumatised by them; which stems from an incident many years ago.
A couple of weeks ago I had an appointment. I can't explain the fear that builds inside of me, but it takes all of my strength just to sit in the waiting room until my turn comes round.
When It came last time, I went in and met the new (the fourth in two years) dentist. He promised he was going to stay (I haven't got rid of them, they left)... and promised to help me through. He tried by taking an xray which I couldn't even do.
So he referred me to the hospital, for a full face Xray which was totally unobtrusive and calm for me, except for the evil radiographer who made me sign for something I didn't get.
Eventually the Xray was retrieved and I went in today. I was a second away from getting up and leaving when he came and got me. I didn't even have to sit in the seat. I stood with him at the computer, while he talked me through what was on the screen.
Although it's not much, he turned and said to me "this is how we are going to handle this; I'm referring you out for sedation".
And for the first time in my life, I hugged a Dentist.
and can i just say, how cute is my jaw bone?
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