A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Some Weird Tradition.....

Living in the Borders at this time of year, you realise how weird the traditions of this place are. People get up at ungodly hours to listen to Pipe bands and Brass bands play and then watch horses come in from riding the boundries of the towns.

However, I love it. I went to my first proper Common Riding this year and it made me feel like a proper Borderer.....a true country bumpkin. Now though, my friends have used this as an excuse to drag me to other Border ride outs, although today Linda bought me Pepsi and McDonalds chips so I can't complain.

It gave me an opportunity to take some photos of horses as well. They always look so regal and elegant, and it makes me want to start riding again. Never mind, my lack of money is currently being used to start a small savings fund for a holiday or weekend get away at some point in the future, I just hope the plans pan out.

Traditions in the Borders are weird, what else can I say.

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