Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

You either love them or hate them

These are a very familiar site on the A595 at Bothel. I always love the view of Skiddaw in the distance and have seen this view many many times in all weathers. I passed the wind turbines 4 times today and stopped off to blip them the 2nd time en route to Carlisle. When I passed them later on that day visibility was awful and Skiddaw was buried under layers of cloud so I was very pleased that I'd stopped earlier. Unfortunately I got a raindrop on the lens taking this photo which I haven't had the time to deal with.

I clocked up a fair few miles today all in the rain which was awful. There was so much surface water around, had to go careful. Lots of areas in the region have been hit quite hard with floods.

I finished the day in Annan over the border where I was finally able to give Bonnie a walk along the river. If anybody is into bagpipes its a big day for Annan on Saturday as they will be holding the Annual Scottish Pipe Band Championship there which culminates in the impressive sight and sound of mass pipes and drums marching on Annan High Street.

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