Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Independent AJ

Bit of a lie in this morning (nice), arranged to pick up my sister and AJ at 1130am and then to go onto the restaurant for our Sunday roast.  They were all ready, off to the Beefeater.  Lovely meal, it was an early booking as AJ's train back booked for 13:50pm.   

Off to the train station, however on a Sunday they don't have enough staff to help with the assistance.......... we supported AJ to get onto the train and asked the guard to ensure that she had assistance when she got to Reading.  

Back home, bit of gardening (still leaves to clear), pile of ironing to do, quick cake baked and final bit of washing.  

Had asked AJ to call when she got home......... she had been assisted at Reading, the guard on the train to Southampton had told her to remain in her seat and someone will collect her when to get off.  She waited when she got to Southampton, no one came, the train started .... Fortunately, the lady sitting next to her was very reassuring and assisted her off of the next stop, alerted a porter who initially advised her to get back on the train to return to the previous stop but then said she could get on the bus to Bournemouth Station (destination).  Finally arrived, a little late, and her lift was waiting for her.  All sorted!!  


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