The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

So So Tired

Nibbler has been snoozing in her spot all day!

Yesterday we had Steve's family round for a lovely lunch and we met his cousin's new baby, Theo - what a cutie.

After a lovely day and everyone left we settled down to watch Jurassic World which was well - ok.  We were pretty knackered so at about 1030pm I headed off to bed.  I think Steve was quite close behind but at about 1am he woke me shivering and really unwell.  I think he was taking a bit of a reaction to the flu jab.  

We were both shattered this morning so today has been much lazier than planned.  We watched the second Hobbit movie and then I worked up some motivation to get on the treadmill.  I am glad I did it and managed to do 20mins uninterrupted.  

Monday tomorrow and there is a seat on the 639am train with my name on it.  Joy. 

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