Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Snowflakes for Homestart

Will spent the day at Nanna's. I had planned to (belatedly) make our Christmas cake with Carys, but after we collected the ingredients we stopped for coffee and she wrote a reply to a letter from a family friend, I didn't have time.

Carys was at a party 3-5, weird science, she loved it. I managed to forget half the things I needed to do in town, but had coffee with Jim which was nice.

The snowflakes are for Home-Start Snowflake Appeal. Home-Start gives emotional and practical support to struggling families across the UK. In Herts it has had it's funding pulled. I only found out about the Appeal on Friday, so am doing the best I can. www.snowflake.org.uk

I told Carys about what happened in Paris and had a very long conversation about it, with many perceptive observations from my wonderful eight year old. So sad that I even have to discuss suicide bombers with her or that she has to acknowledge such evil is in the world.

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