Reikes small life...

By Reike

Go for gold

" 'We all had little army outfits and hugh boots and facepaints and penknives and torches and metting, and every Saturday night we used to get a Wimpy, watch The A-team and then pitch a tent in the front room and play Northern Ireland.'
'Northern Ireland?' Charlotte says.
David's laughing. 'Yeah. We had two cats. They were the IRA."

[Going out, Scarlett Thomas]

Had first thought about blipping my knees that are extremly sore and painful after dancing too much at last nights great Teannach Ceilidh! But then, cycling along the river swimming through mounds of fallen leaves I decided to go for yellow leaves today. Had a very pleasant time out with my horse, time to relax and sort stuff out and to read in the bath tub. Yeah!

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