Goldfish Pond High Security Area

Raccoons have visited our goldfish pond three times this year, with devastating effects.
First time they came we were not certain that raccoons were the problem and procrastinated.
Second time we observed them in the act and chased them off.
I covered the pond with fencing to break their sense of an easy free dinner.
I also installed motion detecting lights, that come on only at night, hoping to frighten them away.
After a month of no intrusions I removed the unaesthetic fencing thinking the lights were a success… mistake!
I believe the lights only helped them see their quarry on their third meal last week.
I decided they’ve eaten my friends for the last time.
The motion detecting lights are now hooked up to an electric fence charger.
I couldn’t resist trying it out myself… HOLEY MOLEY!

Mr. Raccoon can you spell T A S E R ?

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