The Ferg

By fergie

Dark Side of the moor(dava)

 Tried to find a picture that encapsulated how I felt about last nights murderous  events in Paris. I am seeing the fear bring out the dark side of decent people and I wonder if that is exactly what the terrorist want to happen, there are 4 million refugees escaping the same murderous filth that attacked Paris The vast majority are  in North Africa but if the barriers come down women children and those escaping terror will be dying of hypothermia  or taking even bigger risks  than they have to date in order to escape.  I feel deep despair  for the people of  Paris and I feel the grief  as Paris is not only my favourite European City but I have friends and a love of my early life who lives there , the joy and vitality that is Paris was doused in blood last night . In the ashes the serpent of fascism rises and it sticking its fangs into the people of Europe, one fang called Daesh the other the extreme right. I see the serpent injecting its poison into Europe and I think I know what it felt to see what happened in Europe in the Thirties. A sinister justification to hate  and to pick on the weak and blame the innocent for the crimes of others. I heard someone say that blaming Muslims for the terror of Daesh was like blaming Christians for the troubles in Northern Ireland
 I visited an old abandoned cottage on the Dava Moor today and  among the remains  of someones home , it brought to mind the clearances and  how my ancestors  either the Highlanders became refugees and were turned into pariahs , as were the Irish escaping famine, the Jews , now its Arabs .  Christians, Jews, Atheists, Buddhists and Muslim lives were erased last night and I began to feel the darkness creep up. Then when I got home I heard about a Muslim last night who saved the life of a French woman, risking his life and  remembered the Muslim who saved lives in the Hebbdo attacks in January . I know  and believe that humanity will overcome  fear as well as fascism whether thats from Daesh, Al Quieda  or the extreme right wing groups in Europe, and will overcome the fear and  hatred that such inhumanity creates.

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