Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Cabin fever

I think Scout had it today and was trying to get into television land. It rained most of the day and the cats had a largely indoor time of it.

As for the rest:

Terribly sad news from Paris and Beirut, all perpetrated by the same hateful people. I read some months ago that a lot of IS training and planning is done by former members of Saddam Hussein's regime. It's not religion or belief, it's simple payback. 

I spent most of the day on the settee feeling crap; need to be better tomorrow as we are meeting The Girl Racer in London and going to The Skygarden.

We watched Saving Mr Banks tonight. Check it out. Cheesy and predictable in places, I enjoyed it nonetheless. Hanks and Thompson were great in the lead roles. Simple theme - it's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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