Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


A day out the hill gathering sheep for another farmer. Boy was Shaw (red collie) a wee madam today. Apparently i was not required to tell her what to do she has it under control and about 1/2 a mile ahead of me. She has been doing this gather atleast 4 times a year for the past 7 years but still!! I was told when she was young that "she has a lot of work in her" and its very true and much the same for her daughter Pip. Quite headstrong powerful dogs to say the least!! If they would slow down a bit and let me catch up that would be nice!!

Sad news in Paris what is going on in the world. Glad i work with animals they are far superior to humans by far.

7c 4mph S Dry but overcast most of the day. Patchy rain am beginning to rain late afternoon

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