
By PeterMay

Embrace life, defeat terrorism

The killjoy death cult that is ISIS would kill us all for embracing life.  

Fortunately we had already reserved our cookery course in a Michelin-starred restaurant this morning, which was a distraction from the terrible events of last night, as well as a reminder that civilization is about many things, including art and cuisine - something the morons who perpetrated the attack in Paris will never understand.

There were nine of us, and we assembled in the kitchen of Les Trois Soleils first thing this morning and were immediately set to work shelling several kilos of live scallops - a veritable skill, of which none of us was master.  Janice managed to cut herself on the second shell!

We did a lot of early prep, then feasted on the results, but had our later courses prepared for us by the experts.  All washed down, naturally, with some wonderful wine.

But all was tempered by the dark cloud still cast by events in Paris.  Vive La France.  Vive la vie!

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