Going for a stroll

I was hesitating between the colour and the mono version of this photo. As I still have 2 remaining photos in my extras, I'll show you the mono one in there. There was another photo I took today I really liked as well but I don't want to use up my last extra photo just now.

The weather was all over the place today. Sunshine, showers, wind... it felt really cold as well. Crazy! Work was rather busy.

I was feeling a bit tired and cranky today because of the early start this morning and all sorts of things going round my head with all the changes happening in my life just now. To start with I need to move to somewhere near St Andrews, so maybe Pittenweem, Anstruther, Cellardyke or Crail. If any of you knows of a one bedroom flat for rent that is not too pricey around that area, please let me know. Thanks!

Going to see two flats in Anstruther tomorrow. See how it goes...

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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