Not A God Day

Horrible kids before school.

Cold and getting wet walking the dog (One of Jeanies bows escaped).
Heating (on a timer) cutting off while baby sitting chickens .

Soaked through to the undercrackers while waiting on The Cygnet coming out of school (left the house, got 30 yards and the monsoons arrived - along with the thunder - rain changed to very wet rain).

Arrived back after walking the dog and told we had to take The Cygnet to his award ceremony (just enough time to make a sandwich and eat it on the run).

Council showed they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery when they wandered in in dribs and drabs for the award ceremony (their organising) half an hour after it was meant to start and then had the youngest ones wait until last in the running order.

Squirrel was never going to sit quietly so I took her away when the council wasters eventually stopped taking the piss and got things started.

Got to the car park entrance and it was padlocked because the car park was full!!!!! After 3 drivers complaining they couldn't get out it was unlocked. Christ knows what would happen in an emergency (Council run place of course).

Took Squirrel to the bank to have bags of silver changed into £1 coins for my float at the craft fair tomorrow (St Margaret's High School if you are in Livingston).
Sorry - we don't have pound coins .....  5x £5 notes will have to do then! - -- 2 tills later they managed to come up with that. How the Feck can a bank not have money?????

Got wet again going back to collect SWMBO and The Cygnet.

He got the award
His class (mainly him as it turned out) had to come up with an 'Impossible Task' and come up with a solution (in this case get Adventure Teddy past the stars to the moon) and then do a presentation to the Managing Director of the company sponsoring the event.

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