Ewan Learns to Share his Raisins

His Lordship and I went through to Glasgow on the bus this morning to meet with Daughter#4 and Ewan aged nearly 2. Without any gender discrimination at home and indeed being a bit of a Mummy's boy, he is heavily into his train and gadget period, when any thing that moves has to be closely examined.
Getting him into a buggy is absolutely no problem if there is a train experience to look forward to on the way home.

With two buses at the Edinburgh stance ready to depart for us on the way home, we chose the one that was giving out free Tunnocks caramel wafers and teacakes with a small bottle of Coca Cola had you so desired. What was all that about I wonder? I've never known such a thing before.

As we came into Edinburgh, we could see the Pentlands Hill covered in a thin blanket of white and it seemed several degrees colder than Glasgow. There was a distinct wintry feel to the dregs of the afternoon.

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