An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The Beginning of the End...

Of our little side garden.

Once our building work is complete, this part of our garden will have been obliterated, built on and any bit that's left will be re-landscaped and look completely different.

John, our garden guru, has started removing the trees and shrubs that he thinks have a chance of surviving a move to the back garden so although it's the most dismal photo ever, I wanted to have a shot at this stage so I can begin my photo diary of the work.  This will be the first "before" photo.

Woke up at 7am this morning and thought David was already up so I stretched out my arms and promptly punched him in the head!  Hahahahahahaha!  That woke him up!

After a final faff, he was finally ready to head off to meet up with another David and make their way to Grasmere.   The weather has been horrendous and I don't mind telling you I was mighty relieved to get a text from him saying they had arrived safely.

I've not had the luxury of being a couch potato today as when David's away, it becomes apparent how much he does around the house so I have to take up some of the slack.   Turns out he earns his keep right enough :-))

I had something healthy planned for dinner but when Alan's support worker Cameron announced he was getting a takeaway, I caved and ended up getting pizza and chips.   No willpower!  Although to be fair, it was a small pizza and I ate less than half the chips so my halo is round my neck rather than my ankles :-))

Just realised the time....I have 45 minutes left to get my Tesco order done for delivery tomorrow morning, otherwise we will be living on breakfast cereal all weekend!


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