
A second trip to Edinburgh this week, this time for lunch with some friends-who-used-to-be-colleagues.  75% of us are retired while 25% of us are still having fun at work (Gill is on the left).  50% of us will be off to the Southern Hemisphere before the next lunch with Joyce leading the way on Monday (she is one the right).

The other 25% is also a blipper (he is in the middle), kwasi has come back after a short break though has yet to master this linking business.  This is the test to find out whether I am a link master. If so, I will pass the secrets on.

Lunch was a treat and alcohol was involved.  25% of us had to restrict intake because she was driving which gave her the opportunity to tell us she had bought a new car - from someone called Sebastian.  Car salesmen are becoming increasingly sophisticated.  Another 25% restricted her intake because she spent some time last night sampling wine.  That left the other 50% to make up for them.

Looking forward to February.

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