Plus ça change...

By SooB


A damp, dreich, kind of a day.  We don't get many of those round here, so they come as a shock.  My brain seemed a bit on the foggy side today too - I don't really seem to have achieved anything very much.  I mean, I was busy all day and did loads of little things, but nothing to change the world.

Oh, except for CarbBoy's haircut which, once he tears himself away from the telly and finds a mirror, may change his world....

School office this morning with CheeseLady, then lots of little jobs - including more shrub research for my rapidly approaching hedge, getting a quote for a digger (turns out it is cheaper with the driver, which suits me fine), and chasing Senora Stoves.

This is part of the rapidly defoliating passiflora outside the back door.  I rather liked the curly tendrils; going nowhere, a bit like my day.  And now it's time to wander off purposelessly into the evening...

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