What are you looking at?

I was chatting to Phyllis, in the gym,  the lady who is in her eighties and on the cross trainer alongside us, was a young woman,( who is a regular) who is heavily pregnant. We got chatting to her, and she is actually due today. I asked her if it was her first baby and she said no, it's my  third. What an inspiring young woman. When I had finished, I walked through the fields, and I have to cross over a narrow bridge, which is single file. I  waited at the bottom of the steps as there was a young woman crossing, and  I noticed that she was painting her nails. I said, that's an odd place to be doing that. She smiled, but didn't reply. After crossing the bridge, I saw this squirrel, and luckily, he posed very nicely for me. I walked on to the church, and called in for a cup of tea. Kevin, is away in Hong Kong at the moment, so another volunteer called Keith, and also a lady called Viv were there. We started off  taking about switching energy suppliers,  which I have just done  and the next minute, we discussing the best whiskeys's . How we made the transition from one to the other, I don't know. An entirely different energy source I guess. Suitably refreshed, I walked into town, and caught the bus home. 

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