The Travellist's journal

By TheTravellist

Mango Tree and Ginger Beer

I checked out of the guesthouse because the internet connection was only slightly faster than if it was turned off and I need it for work. I had another gudeg for lunch and then got a becak (an Indonesian rickshaw) to a homestay I found online called Mango Tree Dipudjo, set in a quiet residential area. Well at least it's quiet until the call to prayer blasts out of the speakers across the neighbourhood (and whole city) at various times during the day and night.

When I arrived, a lady signalled for me to speak on the phone. It was the owner who speaks English telling me that my standard fan room was no longer available so they were upgrading me to the deluxe room with A/C for free. I settled in nicely and enjoyed a bit of luxury and fast(er) wifi.

In the late afternoon I rented a motorbike from the homestay family and picked up Johannes, the German guy from the airport. We went for some tasty food at a little wooden shack and then went for a few beers. Here I am drinking a very manly beer mixed with fresh ginger.

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