Migrant in Moscow

By Migrant

Ancient times in modern context

Day 6: This is the ancient city of Pingyao.  Or rather the part of Pingyao that is ancient (the modern part seems to consist of concrete structures, motorcycles and advertising). The guidebook describes it as "typically considered the best ancient walled city in China, and is on many lists of the best walled cities in the world."  They might add "on many lists as the most commercial walled city in the world".  Pingyao was established about 2700 years ago.  The current wall is about 600 years old having been started in 1370. It was hard to feel the ancient vibe amongst the onslaught of modern commercial griff.  Nonetheless, it very interesting to see and to imagine what life must have been like before there were menus for Australian tourists.

The biggest kick of the day was riding the bullet train on to Xian.  Up to 247 km/h at times.  See the extra 6 blips.

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