'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri


We had the day off because C had to go the the dentist in Coggeshall. He was in & out before 9:30 so we thought a breakfast in one on the local catering establishments would be in order.

One was closed on Mondays.
One had a barman who appeared 3 times to tend to the other clientele, looked at us, fiddled around & dissapeared 3 times.
One had a waitress who served the others, looked at us & dissapeared.

We had coffee & a muffin at a chain muffin cafe at the Braintree Freeport.

Pubs must not blame the economy, modern life, migrants or the Russians when they have to close due to lack of business. It is their lack of good friendly service which cause the lack of business.

If we're out & about & feel the need for coffee or beer, we always go to pubs rather than restaurants or coffee shops, but we rarely get friendly service. The locals/regulars look at us as if we just teleported in from the Starship Enterprise & some of our bits got mixed up with aliens going the other way, the locals/regulars sit 3 deep at the bar which means one has to shout one's order from the toilet door & the barman keeps on chatting to the local/regulars onlyto take notice when one start waving one's arms, legs & tentacles about.

We had a productive shopping day at Braintree though.

While we were out our Giordano wines were delivered. We tasted some with a BIG piece of big rib. (I just realised we had the Italian wine today, not yesterday.)

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