The Forest School

Today I had the great pleasure of visiting the Forest School in Waltham Forest. The school describes itself as "... a day school like no other" ... and they are right. It's a truly remarkable setting with incredible resources. But their capacity to engage, liberate, include and develop is their shining strength.

I met with Paul, Chaplain to the school and Priest in nearby St Peter's in the Forest. I attended their brief Remembrance Day reflection, outdoors, as there is no internal space large enough to accommodate them all. The short service was introduced by the Chaplain, the reading of the roll-call of past students lost in the First World War, the playing of the last post and the poppy collection were led by senior students.The sense of reverence, inclusion and remembrance needed no organising, it was a willing act for all of the near 1000 students and staff gathered together.

Equally impressive were the many stories of this school community excelling in study, in music, in sport and in their sense of shared community. And how wonderful to listen to Paul's excitement and full engagement with the whole of school life. My head is buzzing with great new ideas picked up on today's travel through a school like no other.

The extra blip is of the school chapel, used daily, watched over by the angels.

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