
By OneClickAtATime

36 @ 31

I am 36 today... and turning 31 weeks tomorrow for Baby Boopee.

I am humbled with every story life has offered me. I've met a lot of people in my years of sojourn. One by one, they have been placed in my heart.

I have learned lessons, both during the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. I learned to love... and love some more.

I am grateful in the littlest thing that I still believe is a miracle, because every thing is, no matter how big or small.

I am a believer... of dreams and desires with pure intentions. I value respect, earned and given to those who deserve.

I am a woman of faith, a friend, a loved one, a daughter, a sister, a wife and soon... a mother.

I am who I am... because of the grace of the Father, whom I owe my strength, my life, my passion, my vision, my faith.

I am me.

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