
By Nenz

Can you see the trees through the forest?

After yesterdays thoughts on what we want out of live, I have been finding it hard to find peace today. The whirling winds in the chimney had woken me up several times and the early rise for work did not do me any favours. Then the new challenge I have at work once a fortnight (so what exactly am I worked up about, you may wonder?) is to prepare morning tea for 40 children. Talk about out of my comfort zone! Big time!

So, by the time I was back with the family my peace cup needed a serious top-up. Turned out, my boys had been to their art class this morning doing some koru design art with crushed paua shell and shiny beads (I should take some photos of that!), and they spent the afternoon baking three dozen muffins with their dad for the Iconz end of term award evening. So, a few yummy muffins later, I was in a much better space. (funny how food can do that)

The evening was a get together with parents, grandparents, neighbours, siblings and of course the Iconz boys. Speeches, slide show, quizz, coffee, lots of muffins and other yummy baking......
Good night, but I don't do group stuff like that very well. By the time tidy-up was happening and people were having their chats on the way out, I was ready to run away:)

I did. Just across the road to try some 'photos in the dark',.....

One more for those working tomorrow and then its weekend!!!!

May the peace be with you xox

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