I am one of the Duke of York's 10,000 men.
So, I logged on and did a bit of work before the training program was e mailed to me. I mean - really? Just fucking sack the incompetent ones and let the rest get the fuck on with it....
I ducked out at lunchtime; cheque from Maw in my pocket. Er - when did the RBS shut the Goldenacre branch? So I ended up cycling to the Blenheim Place one - on balance Bernard Street would have made more sense, but hey...Blenheim Place offered easier blippage so off I went...
Home to do all sorts of useful things - change car insurance, tax disc, proof read stuff for the lawyer, and a call to Maw. Good stuff but underlying nonsense as usual.
After work I cycled up to hers (armed with umbrella - £2) and after one sip of wine realised I hadn't turned the soup off.... So off I went diown the hill again. Soup off, it was then marching back up the hill again. Actually the third ascent of Broughton St was the quickest now.
Eventually dinner was excellent, as was the general ambience. And a bike ride home - downhill - a gem...!
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