
By DancingAly

Reading Material

Some pause for thought anyway. The one on the bottom was the one that I've been reading last week. It was only £4 as it's quite old, but it was quite inspiring, despite the awful tragedy.

The top two are for me to read, when I can find the time. I'm not sure I do want to have children anymore. 

Watching the English I bought for Tim. I thought I'd give it to him for Christmas. His friend bought me "Stuff Dutch People Like", which was quite amusing, but I haven't finished it. Tim asked to borrow it. I thought a book that poked fun at us Brits might be funny, and the bit I read about saying goodbye at the end of an event made my mum and I cry with laughter ;-) It was scarily accurate.

Gym this evening. Four or five sets of 2/3 giants. Lots of back walkovers. A good session, and lots of perspective offered from one of my (married) male friends :-)

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