Wojtek the Polish Soldier bear

There was a warning for very heavy rain and wind so we were quite pleased that it was dry when we left the hotel. It was windy so it was abit scary with bits and pieces flying through the air especially near the fencing around the road works that was moving about dangerously.
Mike had a meeting so I left him to get the bus. It was only 8.45am so the shops were still closed so I had another look at the Garden of Remembrance  and then walked down to West Princes Street Garden. Then the heavens opened and the wind began to blow even more so I took refuge in one of the undercover seating areas. Lovely and sheltered and dry and I watched people struggling to move against the wind getting drenched. Luckily I was waiting for the Art Gallery to open so had time to waste. The rain was horizontal and I looked at the castle disappearing and reappearing through the grey.
It eventually calmed down so I went for a wander and managed to find the new Statue of Wojtek the Polish Soldier bear. A lovely statue as you can see. It is said that he drank beer with the soldiers and helped carry ammunition. The statue stands on a platform of granite from Poland. At his feet wreaths and teddy bears had been laid.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-34748795
Afterwards I walked back through the gardens to the Scottish National Gallery. I wanted to see the Picturehooks exhibition showing Illustrations from children's' books. Very good and interesting ,hoping David will go to one of the workshops they are running. Had a hot chocolate in the café but did nt want to spend £3.50 on a piece of cake even though it was very tempting.
A good journey home and now feeling rather tired. Will catch up tomorrow hopefully.

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