Panorama from Hill Paul, Stroud

I finally managed to take some pictures from the top of Hill Paul, the tallest building in Stroud.  Andrew, whom I met a few weeks ago, kindly let me use his balcony which has these fine views looking south-westwards across Wallbridge canal basin and down the valley of the River Frome as it flows away to join the River Severn about seven miles away.

I borrowed a lens from Pete, a member of PhotoStroud who answered my request for the loan of a wide angle lens.  I need to return it to him tomorrow so it was important to get the pictures taken.  I want to add some to the archive used by the Neighbourhood Plan, as I already have taken some (much sunnier summer) pictures looking in the opposite direction from a neighbour's apartment.

I have taken a variety of single shots but also took a couple of series of images to stitch together as a panorama. The panorama was composed of seven pictures merged in Lightroom 6. This view shows the important Wallbridge canal side location, where building development is bound to occur.  

I also did a bigger or wider series for another panorama, which I have added as an 'Extra photo'.  It looks a bit odd as I hadn't exactly worked out how to locate the camera on the restricted balcony to get that nearly 270 degree view.  But I've learnt a few lessons which is all to the good. Andrew says I can return, probably in the late spring when the light and the landscape look better.  Today's drizzle didn't help much as I was having to wipe the lens clean quite often.

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