On Some Days

By V1k1

The Gold Rod

Money gives you options is the philosophy of this household.  It is not the be all and end all.  I wanted an image of "new car, carviar, four star daydream."  I couldn't find one in our little city.  The most expensive hotel looks ordinary from the outside.  I settled on this fishing rod.  It is a Penn big game reel.  It is gold coloured and was expensive.  It was a rod the forester wanted to own and use.  After he eventually bought it he didn't catch any big fish with it.  It became a running joke amongst his friends .  Eventually he and it hooked a yellow fin tuna and the drought was broken.   
Moneyhas been the story of the day with someone publishing research about how much money people will need in their retirement.  Like most developed countries we have an aging population.  When I used to listen to Pink Floyd I never considered what the lyrics meant .  I liked the beat and the sound of the cash register and the guitar solo.  I was still at Teachers College and making my money last the week was all I was concerned about and gazing at David Gilmour
Thank you GoranZebuhr for another interesting theme and the chance to hear Pink Floyd once again.
It is nearly 7.30pm and the temperature is 22.c or 71.f.  I had to open the windows and doors when I got home from work.  

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