But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Bramble Leaves.

Yesterday didn't go too well as I spent the day trying to fit a new wired door bell. I was so hacked off by the end that I couldn't be bothered with Blip and read a book instead - it wasn't even about photography (or cycling). I had bought both a new bell and a transformer, just connect them together with the bell-push and, Bob's your uncle - or so I thought. First I had difficulty connecting the wires. The previous bell was fixed over the front door which is, I think, a fairly common practice; so there I was, up a ladder, trying to something very fiddly. The parts to which the wire should be attached were too small to be handled by adult human fingers and there was no wire clamp, just an inaccessible screw to wrap the wire around. My solution was to solder the connections. I then found that the electrical design was not properly toleranced and the bell would only buzz however much I fiddled and adjusted.

We took Merlin for a walk this morning, before the wind and rain had fully developed, the old is beginning to look old. He doesn't appear to be in pain, but his joints seem stiff and he takes a while to get moving in the morning, so his strolls are a little restricted. At something over thirteen years old, he is past the sell-by date for a corgi but still seems happy enough as long as his dinner's on time. While we were out I collected a few specimens for indoor blips as well as grabbing this emergency blip. While I think the idea for this shot was sound, there was insufficient time or care taken to bring it off.

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