Clashing Correctness

We seem to be fast approaching a perfect storm of chaos theory brought about by, not to put too fine a point on it, too many people. Results of 'studies' (who does these things anyway? And Why?) cancel each other out as to what we should be eating, how many and which medical tests we should be having, what to drive, or not drive, and if the choice not to drive is made, what other options there are. 

Although I would be first in line to take it, It doesn't seem that the 'new SMART commuter train will be  doing much to relieve traffic on the 101 highway, because it won't be going to either San Francisco or Oakland, which is where most commuters go. (I will spare you my rant about how anybody could consider this plan even 'smart' much less SMART).

After wiping traces of rain water off the seats of the chairs outside Flying Goat this morning, we were sipping our Aztek mochas and  wondering why  signs couldn't be placed near the train stations along the tracks explaining what improvements will be made to accommodate travelers and protect people who are having coffee, waiting for a train , watching their kids play or sleeping in the bushes nearby…all activities we have witnessed.

I had just mentioned the article I had seen in the paper about the noisy track grinder which will be operating for the next month when, low and behold, it slowly and sedately passed by. I don't believe it was doing any grinding because the only noise we heard was the train whistle sounding as it passed each intersection. What couldn't escape our notice was the water tanker perched on its own flatbed and the large sprayer behind it, a precaution against flying rocks and sparks. 

So yet more tanker loads of water  will be sprayed onto the ground even as we are being exhorted to bathe in a bucket, all in aid of a train that doesn't go anywhere. The little kids playing by the tracks waved to the drivers and the drivers waved back as they passed within a few feet of each other.

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