at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Beard like daddy

I set up ivys teepee in the living room today and euan and I let her have her afternoon nap inside it. It was super cosy.

When she woke up shed been told we would go swimming, but she slept too long and we missed family swim (that we need to go to if briar and willow are going to go so supervision ratios are right), so we said she could go just her and euan. But then we couldn't find her armbands, and poor ivy was incredibly upset because that might mean she couldn't go. I told her to stay calm, so she curled up into a ball and did yoga breathing which seemed to help. Euan said she did amazingly in the pool, and has taken a huge leap in her swimming skills!

Tim came round before dinner to borrow the heat of our house to brew his beer.

Ivys moment of true hilarity today was when she decided every one of her fingers was called jack. And then in the song 'mummy finger mummy finger' she said 'that's not mummy finger, its jack'

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