
By JillyMint

Little kamikaze owl

This wasn't my choice of blip (Simon chose it). This would have been mine.
Spent the day with a family of little owls (well the parents; the owlets didn't appear due to circling hawks and buzzards) who were very jumpy!! These endearing little birds (about 8" high; I know these images make them look bigger) have a lot of character - not only because when they drop down onto a lower position they literally throw themselves off head first (see another in the blipfolio). I had a wonderful day in a hide again - courtesy of Helen. I haven't even got to my 60th birthday yet but have had 2 amazing treats already (see Paris trip). Thanks so much Hell's bells - love you loads.
Very obliging and photogenic birds (I took about 900 images, slimmed down to 455, more slimming to do!!)
Canon 1d; 420mm; ISO1600; f/8; 1/1000"

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