Our Chair

In the past five years I've downsized my living space to the point of absurdity.  I have a small dining table with two chairs, a couple of bookcases, a desk and one comfortable chair.  Guess who gets it every night?  And before you think she rules the roost, I do move her to the bed and fortunately I'm still faster than she is getting back to "the" chair.

All of that is about to change though.  I'm waiting for final word on a 2-bedroom apartment which should be available in the next 30-60 days and so it looks as though I'm actually going to be moving.  With that in mind, my daughter and I went furniture shopping today -- well, not really shopping, just browsing - getting prepared.  We did find a couple of couches that would be good candidates and a dining room set that I liked.  As soon as I get final word of when I can move into the apartment, I'll be ready to go.  When I moved into this little space a couple of friends kindly took some of my furniture that I didn't want to part with and have been taking good care of it for a couple of years.  I am SO excited at the thought of having room to move around without bumping into something.  I'm going to be able to hang all the artwork I have in storage and get all my beloved little trinkets out of their boxes and on display.   We won't even go into how excited I am at the thought of having a kitchen big enough to turn around in, because I love to cook and the prospect of having my friends over for lunch or dinner has me positively giddy.   I'm also going to make a playroom for Lizzie in the second bedroom and hope that the fact that she'll have more room to move around in will help her get some exercise.  After all it'll be more than 6 steps from the chair to her food dish so that's got to be a good thing, for both of us.  

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