Walk us please!

Seriously these dogs are getting such nags! nae ..bullies! Walk walk walk, food , food, food, pat pat pat, Im just their bitch!
Spent much of today trying to develop new projects or ideas, don't know why Im bothering as work is so obsessed by keeping expenses down that they are really stiffling "Development" there are things you do need to meet people face to face with to discuss especially new projects!
#2 daughter test drove two cars; the Vauxhall Corsa and the VW Polo. She fell in love with the Corsa so assuming her work grant her full time , I think she will be on course to getting her new motor as she is a determined wee thing and will have her deposit in no time at all.
In the big smoke tonight but heading up the road again tomorrow.
#1 daughter is watching the footie and shouting bad things at the Portuguese! not a footie person but am getting pulled in.
Happy blipping

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