
A Learner steamroller driver. Hadn't thought about it before but they could do a lot more damage than your regular Learner. Happy to say it was a steamrolling day off though!

So things I learned (or remembered) today:
- no matter how early you go to the supermarket on a Saturday, it'll still be hooching.
- hats don't keep the rain off you as well as brollies.
- if you're late, there's never a bus coming.
- if you're late for the footie there'll be a huge queue.
- if you shout at folk for skipping the queue they get upset.
- if you think the Jambos are sure to move up a gear they'll move down one instead.
- if marrow is seasoned up, stir-fried and served with meatballs and a curry sauce it tastes great!

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