The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB


Sadly Jack didn't visit to take his meds today as I'd expected really. It's been incredibly blustery and foxes hate the wind as they rely on their hearing so much to listen out for danger - and the longer Jack's poorliness goes on the more twitchy he gets.

After many, many days of horrid dull greyness we suddenly had a brief burst of sun - so  out I went with my camera and found a couple of hares enjoying a sunbathe - here's one of them :)


I am amazed - I have just been up to take mum to bed - and who was out in the garden in the pitch black with fireworks going off all around him? Jack - next to the foxes' trampoline which is his current favourite place! I honestly thought he wasn't going to show up today.

So I ran down to get his jam sandwich - threw it from mum's window .. he happily scoffed it and off he went. His wound is still red raw but at least he's had his meds

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