Still or Sparkling?

A very similar blip to a few days ago, but the sea just looked SO beautiful! Was up here praying over Sa Penya, and took time to just sit on the wall, listen to the sea, feel the sun...restorative. Been fighting feeling homesick which is NOT like me particularly....I never miss the UK, just the people in it!

Collected Asha from school then went to meet Thea and Rudy for a picnic on the beach - the kids were in were Thea & I as she'd brought a bottle of wine with her! Ha!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Having people to miss.
2) Witnessing Asha shouting bye & happy weekend (in Catalan!) to all her friends (and the caretaker!) at the end of the day.
3)Having a nice chat with our landlady. You hear so many horror stories of awful landlords in Ibiza, I'm super grateful to have a really decent & kind one.

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