
I wasn't sure I was going to make Bonfire Night at Party Girls, or if it would be on  - had stayed in all day as it was very wet and very blustery! I did cut back the plumbago - started off as a trim and ended up a scalping! Late afternoon I headed for the chickens and the rain had stopped, so after slip sliding in the mud headed home, washed, dressed, grabbed a bottle of red and set off with Friend!
The bonfire was huge as always - on their  chickens lower field, about 15 ft high! Her dad, (Fire Man!) had soaked the bottom layer in oil, I kid you not, and got it going and kept it going by throwing petrol on it! WHOOSH! After the fire came the fireworks - everyone had brought some and Ebay Boy and his son did the lighting. I chatted to DJ Boy about the Masked Ball and he spoke of the fact he was now adjusting to life off timetable! His eldest daughter was at University  and his son 15 and suddenly his evenings were his own! We happily drank mulled wine and admired the Banana Plant Fire Man excitedly told me had flowered this year! Totally bizarre evening! Petrol fuelled bonfire, mild night, fireworks, mulled wine and  bananas!! All can be seen here, the pink photo is when the petrol ignited!
On the way home I detoured past the windfall apples of yesterdays blip and under the cover of darkness reached through the fence for them - the chickens will have them for  breakfast! 

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