Red Arrows

Talk about a stroke of luck. I've been off work all day and haven't strayed too far from the toilet area. I chanced it to stand by my back door and snap some sunshine to blip.... when suddenly the Red Arrows flew over. I didn't have my 70-300 on which was a shame, but even so I finally managed to snap them. I say finally because I've been intending to blip them for ages. Their base is about five miles from me, so I often catch them out and about over the skies of Lincoln. Today it was Olympic Torch duty and I note that all the planes are red again - after the tragic loss of two pilots last year they had been sporting a new black plane.

In other news I'm either at home or in Birmingham tomorrow. I'm due to learn about UK Flood Defense products for Jewson but there is an outside chance I could spend it sat on the pan.

Fe is heading over at the weekend, despite the fact I'm working. She has said she'll come to stocktake at work and help so we get done quicker and therefore spend a little time together away from work.

She's a diamond y'know, my missus.

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